Skeptics' Books and Tapes
The following books and tapes may be ordered from the Skeptics Society:
- B1PB: Flim-Flam! by James Randi ($16.95 PB).
- B2HB: Conjuring by James Randi ($19.95 HB).
- B3PB: The Faith Healers by James Randi ($18.95 PB).
- B4HB: The Mask of Nostradamus by James Randi ($19.95 HB).
- B5PB: "Dumbth" by Steve Allen ($14.95 PB).
- B6PB: Creationism: Scientists Respond by Peter Hogan and the Australian Skeptics ($7.95 PB).
- B7PB: 25 Creationists' Arguments & 25 Evolutionists' Answers A 12-page guide by Michael Shermer ($1.95 PB).
- B8PB: Mathemagics: Lightning Calculations by Arthur Benjamin and Michael Shermer ($9.95 PB).
- B9PB: Teach Your Child Math by Michael Shermer and Arthur Benjamin
($9.95 PB).
- B10PB: Teach Your Child Science by Michael Shermer ($9.95 PB).
- B11HB: The Monkey Wars by Deborah Blum ($23.95 HB).
- B12PB: Atheism: The Case Against God by George Smith ($16.95 PB).
- B13PB: Gospel Fictions by Randel Helms ($14.95 PB).
- B14PB: The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal by Paul Kurtz ($17.95 PB).
- B15PB: Living Without Religion by Paul Kurtz ($8.95 PB).
- B16PB: UFOs: The Public Deceived by Philip J. Klass ($16.95 PB).
- B17PB: Secrets of the Supernatural: Investigations of the World's Occult Mysteries by Joe Nickell, with John F. Fischer ($16.95 PB).
- B18PB: The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher by Martin Gardner ($16.95 PB).
- B19HB: On the Wild Side by Martin Gardner ($23.95 HB).
- B20PB: True Stories of False Memories by E. Goldstein ($16.95 PB).
- B21PB: Confabulations: False Memories by E. Goldstein ($14.95 PB).
- B22PB: The Mismeasure of Woman by Carol Tavris ($11.95 PB).
- B23HB: Dying to Live: Near Death Experiences by Susan Blackmore ($21.95 HB).
- B24HB: Round in Circles: Poltergeists, Pranksters, and the Secret History of Cropwatchers by Jim Schnabel ($23.95 HB).
- B25PB: How To Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age by Theodore Schick, Jr. and Lewis Vaughn ($17.95 PB).
- B26PB: Astrology: True or False? by Roger Culver and Philip Ianna ($17.95 PB).
- B27HB/T: Six Easy Pieces: The Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher hardback book and six tapes of Richard Feynman ($47.95 HB/T).
- B28PB: Victims of Memory by Mark Pendergrast ($23.95).
- B30PB: Frames of Mind by Howard Gardner ($14.95).
- B31PB: Science Deified and Science Defied--Volume I by Richard Olson ($14.95).
- B32PB: Science Deified and Science Defied--Volume II by Richard Olson ($16.95).
- B33PB: Satanic Panic by Jeffery S. Victor ($15.95 PB).
- B34HB: Dinosaur in a Haystack by Stephen Jay Gould ($23.95 HB).
- B35HB: The Panda's Thumb by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B36PB: The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B37PB: The Flamingo's Smile by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B38PB: An Urchin in the Storm by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B39PB: Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B40PB: Bully for Brontosaurus by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B41PB: Eight Little Piggies by Stephen Jay Gould ($9.95).
- B42HB: At the Fringes of Science by Michael W. Friedlander ($23.95).
- B43HB: The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal by Jared Diamond ($12.95).
- B44HB: Dinosaur in a Haystack by Stephen Jay Gould ($23.95).
- B45HB: The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan ($24.95).
- B46PB: American Militias by Richard Abanes ($14.95).
- B47PB: Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism by Philip Kitcher ($14.95).
- B48HB: Bible Prophecy by Tim Callahan ($21.95).
- B49PB: The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond ($12.95).
- B50HB: Born to Rebel by Frank Sulloway ($29.00).
Audio and Video Tapes
The following lectures from the Skeptics' Lecture Series at Caltech are
available on both audio and videotape. Video tapes are $19.95 each ($17.95
each if you purchase three or more); audio tapes are $9.95 each ($5.00 each
if you purchase the full set). 10% discount for Skeptics Society members.
- AV1: The "Amazing" Randi on Pseudoscience
and the Paranormal
- James "The Amazing" Randi on his latest investigations, plus a
little magic!
- AV2: Can Science Cheat Death? Cryonics and the Science of Life Extension
- Mike Darwin from the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, on the science
of cryonic suspension.
- AV3: The Use and Abuse of Statistics in "The Real World"
- Dr. Judith Grabiner, CSU, San Bernardino, on deception with
- AV4: Altered States and the Quest for Transcendence
- Dr. Michael Shermer, Skeptics Society Director, on hypnosis,
OBEs/NDEs, alien abductions.
- AV5: Is E.T. Out There? The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
- Dr. Thomas McDonough, Caltech and SETI, on the science of
searching for E.T.s.
- AV6: A Skeptical Seance: Magic and the Paranormal in Honor of Houdini/Halloween
- Mark Edwards, Mentalist from the Magic Castle, brings Houdini
back from the dead!
- AV7: The Origins of Skepticism. Also: Skepticism and the Warren Report
- Dr. Richard Popkin, UCLA, on origins of skepticism and being
skeptical of the Warren Report.
- AV8: The Christmas Star: Science and Religion in the Modern Age
- John Mosley, Griffith Observatory, discussed 20 years of
reactions to his Christmas Star Show.
- AV9: Witches, Spirits, and Science in
17th-Century England
- Dr. Richard Olson, Harvey Mudd College, on scientific tests of
spirits and witchcraft.
- AV10: Evolution and Creationism: How to Debate a Creationist
- Dr. Michael Shermer, Skeptics Society, in a Special Skeptics
One-Day Seminar.
- AV11: Sex, Brains, and Hands: Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities &
- Dr. Diane Halpern, California State University, San
- AV12: Science Fair and Firewalk: The Physics Behind the Psychics
- Dr. Bernard Leikind, Ron Ebert, Mark Helmlinger
- AV13: Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying
- Dr. Arthur Benjamin, Harvey Mudd College/Magic Castle
- AV14: Mysterious and Amazing Atmospheric Phenomena
- Dr. Bernard Leikind, Plasma Physicist, General Atomics
- AV15: The Evolution of Human Creativity and Language
- Dr. Jared Diamond, Physiologist, UCLA Medical School
- AV16: The Magic of the Psychic and the Psychology of the Believer
- Mark Edward, Mentalist and Professional Magician
- AV17: False Memory Syndrome: Repressed Memories,
False Memories, and Therapy Cults
- Dr. John Hochman, Forensic Psychiatrist, Expert on Therapy Cults
- AV18: Pseudoscience, Witch Crazes, and Chaos of Mass Hysterias
- Dr. Michael Shermer, Director, Skeptics Society; Historian of
- AV19: Proving the Holocaust: A Refutation of Denial
- Dr. Michael Shermer, Director, Skeptics Society; Historian of
- AV20:
Facilitated Communication: Mental Miracle or Sleight of Hand?
- Dr. Gina Green, Director of Research at the New England
Center for Autism
- AV21: The Great Debate: Evolution vs. Creationism at UCLA
- (audio only, two tapes, $19.95) Dr. Michael Shermer v. Dr. Duane T. Gish
- AV22: Penn & Teller and Randi Skeptical Magic and Awards Night
- with Penn and Teller and "The Amazing" James Randi
- AV23: The Devil Made Me Do It! The Decline of Personal Responsibility
- Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Radio Psychologist
- AV24: Afrocentrism, Racism, and Other Myths
- Dr. Yahudi Webster, CSU, Los Angeles
- AV25: Evolution? The Fossils Say Yes!
- Dr. Donald Prothero, Geologist, Occidental College
- AV26: The Monkey Wars: Animal Rights Controversy
- Deborah Blum, science writer and Pulitzer Prize winner
- AV27: The Magic of the Alpha Project
- Steve Shaw, professional magician
- AV28: The Physics of Ballet
- Dr. Bernard Leikind, physicist, and Cynthia Young,
professional ballet dancer.
- AV29: The Thinker on the Edge of Forever: The Science and Humanism of
Gene Roddenberry
- David Alexander, authorized biographer of Gene Roddenberry
- AV30: Frankenstein and the Fear of Science
- Dr. Steven B. Harris, UCLA
- AV31: For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls: I.Q., Race, and the Nature of Intelliegence
- Dr. Vincent Sarich, UC Berkeley anthropologist, Dr. Diane
Halpern, cognitive psychologist, and Dr. Daniel J. Keves,
historian of science
- AV32: Skeptics Conference: The Physics of Immortality: Can Science Prove God?
- Symposium: Cosmologist Frank Tipler, Plasma Physicist Bernard Leikind,
and Historian of Religion & Science Michael Kerze, plus a surprise
appearance by Caltech Cosmologist Kip Thorne in rebuttal of Tipler's
God hypothesis.
- AV33: Skeptics Conference: Skeptics in the Tranches--Playing the Media
Game--Plus: A James Randi Show
- Symposium: Michael Shermer on Paranormal Talk Shows, Frank Miele
on Free Speech and Fringe Claims, Linda Rosa on Therapeutic Touch,
Jessica Yu on Becoming a Skeptic While Invstigating Psychics, Plus:
Randi Magic.
- AV34: In Search of Schr¨o;dinger's Kittens: The Paradoxical
Nature of Quantum Mechanics
- Astrophysicist and science writer John Gribbin explains the bizarre
and quirky world of quantum mechanics and devises a solution to
Einstein's paradox and what he called "spooky action at a distance."
- AV35: Does the Wall Still Stand?
- Attorney Edward Tabash, specialist in First Amendment issues, provides
an update on the latest strategies of the religious right to breach the
wall separating church and state. Also, what you can do to fight attacks
on science, rationality, and individual freedom.
- AV36: River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life
- Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins continues his train of
evolutionary reasoning from his previous best-selling works,
The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker. Dawkins
hammers home point after point showing why creationism is simply and
obviously wrong. Also, African Eve theory.
- AV37: The Devil and Demonology
- Dr. Henry Ansgar Kelly, UCLA, discusses the origins and importance of
Satan in Western thought and modern culture. Who is the Devil, where
do demons come from, and how did the Halloween tradition start? Dr. Kelly
shows what purpose Satan serves in modern society and who needs Satan.
- AV38: The 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
- Investigative journalist John Whalen, author of The 50
Greatest Conspiracies, guides you through the dizzy labyrinths
of conspiracy theories, where fact and fiction flirt, court, marry,
and bear very strange offspring: Watergate, CIA, JFK, UFOs, KKK, AIDS,
- AV39: The Myths of Twins
- Dr. Nancy Segal, Director of the Twin Studies Center at CSU,
Fullerton, answers such questions as: How similar are twins? How much
alike are their personalities and habits? Are their IQs the same?
And what do twin studies teach us about the relative influence of
heredity and environment, nature and nurture?
- AV40: The Search for the Historical Jesus
- Dr. Burton L. Mack, Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate
School. Modern scholarship paints an unconventional picture of
Jesus that suggests Jesus was a popular philosopher in the Cynic
tradition. Early Christian texts, such as the Gospel of Thomas
and the lost Book of Q are central to this new history.
- AV41 Tape 1: Skeptics Society 1996 Conference: Evolutionary Psychology and Humanistic Ethics
- Michael Shermer, Bernard Leikind, Paul and Patricia Churchland,
Roger Bingham, James "The Amazing" Randi, Frank Miele, Donald Symons.
- AV42 Tape 2: Skeptics Society 1996 Conference: Evolutionary Psychology and Humanistic Ethics
- Nancy Segal, Napoleon Chagnon, Bernard Leikind, John Hartung,
Michael Shermer, Open Forum with All Speakers.
- AV43: Quantum Quackery--Physics, Metaphysics, and Flapdoodle
- Physicist Victor J. Stenger. Because quantum mechanics is
obscure, it is misused to explain the "unexplainable"--ESP,
psychic power, etc. But quantum mechanical hypotheses fit the facts of
material reality quite well without any need at all to call upon
- AV44: Darwin and the Relationship Between Science and Religion
- Dr. Mario Di Gregorio, historian of science, explores Darwin's
debt to Hume, teh great skeptic, and gives an inside and intimate
look into the life of Darwin, how he abandoned special creation in
favor of evolution, and the relationship between science and religion.
- AV45: Militias: Rebellion, Racism, and Religion
- Cult expert Richard Abanes explains who joins militias and why,
gives the facts about what really happened in Waco, and shows
how militia groups use such incidents to claim there is a one-world
government conspiracy and the end of the world is near.
Add $3.00 shipping for the first book or tape, $1.00 for additional books
or tapes. For shipping outside of the United States, add $6.00 for the
first book or tape and $2.00 for each additional book or tape. Send your
payment to the Skeptics Society, P.O. Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001.